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Invoicing and Management Software totally integrated with the rest of the products of MICROAREA guarantees the user the inter-performance of our accounting, taxation, and payroll software, and much more...

MaGest has been designed to provide the company, independently of its size or activity, an easy to use system of invoicing, storing and commercial management without abandoning the services that the company demands.

This new version provides a new and more effective method of working. Finally, all the processes of production, storing, invoicing, management of commercial contacts and automatic accounting fuse into one product.  When can we start working?

POShability- Terminal Sales Point

POShability- Terminal Sales Point

With a strong heart: taking advantage of the nucleus of Magest, we bring the potency of a complete package of commercial management to your sales terminal. A revolutionary, simple interface, within reach of any of its employees will demonstrate the potency of the client applications of POShability working against the application server with the capacities of a giant.
Never again work with a TPV that doesn´t link to your management.

MicroArea for Attorneys

MicroArea for Attorneys

This is the ideal software for lawyers and law firms, as it creates order and efficiency in your law practice. MicroArea for Attorneys provides all the professional services lawyers need to manage their cases and clients. Selected by the most european BAR ASSOCIATIONS to provide a standard software to their lawyers, the software has been converted in the standard tool for the biggest BARs of Europe.

Everything you need to manage your law practice…

Make more time to practice law, not manage it. Efficient, Affordable and Easy-to-Use. Work smart, not hard...


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Actualización a Maconta 5
Actualización a Maconta 5
Item code 0000000606
Price 150,00 $
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Seller: Usuario Host
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Solo para clientes con contrato de mantenimiento en vigor.

Nunca fue más sencillo utilizar un programa de contabilidad. La nueva versión convertirá su gestión contable en una tarea sencilla y amigable. Diseñado para aquellas personas con escasos conocimientos de contabilidad y totalmente integrado con MaGest que actuará de contable para usted. Sin olvidar de las necesidades de los expertos financieros, proporcionando funcionalidades que le permitirán exprimir la información derivada de la contabilidad. Su interface absolutamente amigable le invitará, sin duda, a descubrir un método de trabajo sencillo y rápido...

Ideal para medianas, grandes empresas y despachos profesionales. Versión multipuesto. Incluye 3 licencias de red con posibilidad de adquisición de licencias acionales. Tecnología cliente/servidor y módulo de impuestos.

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New York, NY 10004 U.S.A.
Phone: +1 646 998 8160
Fax: +1 716 242 3222
